RMCC has initiated the Career Development Program for senior and junior college students of RSET, with the aim of assisting them in their academic and career growth. As a part of the Career Development Program, RMCC conducted seven Workshops which have been discussed below:
Effective Study Skills: This workshop was conducted for First Year Junior College students, on 17th December, 2018. The workshop consisted of teaching students ways to maximise their learning, through techniques like multi-modal learning, mnemonics, mind-maps and more.
Stress and Time Management: This workshop was conducted for First Year Junior College students, on 18th December, 2018. The workshop comprised on discussion about various factors that cause stress and its implication. The students were then taught techniques to manage stress. They were also aided in goal setting and time-table construction to be able to manage their time more effectively.
Public Speaking: This workshop was conducted for First Year Senior College students, B.Com and Self-Financed Courses, on 15th December and 24th December, 2018, respectively. The workshop consisted of removing the fear of public speaking, teaching the students techniques to speak effectively in public, including content preparation, vocal modulation and body language. After this students practiced the speaking in public, and they were given individual feedback and suggestions for improvement.
Impression Management: This workshop was conducted for First Year Junior College students, both B.Com and Self Financed, on 24th December, 2018. The workshop consisted of informing the students about norms of corporate grooming, along with behaviours and etiquettes that must be followed in a professional setting. Students were also given practice on writing e-mails, and were given tips on answering a phone call professionally.
This Year RMCC also introduced CDP-advanced for those students who articipated in the CDP program in the previous year. As a part of the advanced program the following two workshops were conducted:
Managing you Emotional Quotient: This workshop was conducted for Second Year Junior College students, on 26th November, 2018. IT consisted of teaching the students how to effectively manage their emotions, have high self-esteem and healthy body image.
Goal Setting and Decision Making: This workshop was again conducted for Second Year Junior College students, on 27th November, 2018. The workshop consisted of helping the students in creating a vision for their life, identifying their goals and making effective decisions to achieve them.
All the workshops were conducted successfully, and for each of the workshops RMCC received very good feedback by the students. As per the feedback received by the students, the workshops helped them in performing better in their academics and overall career enhancement.